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We White-Label For Many Larger Digital Agencies – We Improve ROI on Google Ads By Optimization

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What our clients have to say about us

We are Google Certified Partner

We are so confident in our work that we charge you once you start making money from our work!

The benefits of achieving Google Certified Partner status

Google offers a wide range of programs for individuals and organizations as part of its set of trainings and tools. The benefits of a firm becoming a Google Certified Partner are many. Here are some of them:

  • Staying abreast with evolving best PPC practices. Google’s best practices are made immediately available to certified members of the program, letting your staff stay on top of the rapidly changing developments in paid search.
  • Better PPC performance. Fewer mistakes and better execution means overall lower CPCs, better ROI, and ultimately a stronger agency.
  • Professional development. We are very enthusiastic about the Google training programs – not only does it open up the potential for an elevated position, but it makes us better, more knowledgeable professionals. Consequently we are better able to serve our clients, providing a win-win for us and the clients.
  • Beta Features. As Certified Google Partner we have access to Google’s beta features. This means that after Google has developed a new feature or application, its partners can test and use this feature up to a year or more before it is available to the general public. Imagine the advantages to be gained by using Google marketing features a year before your competition even has access to it!
  • Google partners can provide you huge financial savings on AdWords PPC cost.

What We Offer?

Google & Facebook Ads Creation and Optimizations

We are expert in Google Ads and Facebook Ads creation and optimization.  We have more than 22 years experience creating Google Ads.  We have case studied showing CTR better than 25 percent and conversion rate better than 80 percent.

Market Research

At the heart of every successful campaign design is market research. Market research and Google Keyword Planner allow us to get a better feeling for the demand for your products or services.  We can then give you a preview of what can be expected (revenue and cost of ads) if you decide to use either Google Ads or Facebook Ads.


We are expert in using Tools such as Google Tag Manager for establishing events, Google Data Studio for creating reports and better visualization of Google Analytics and of course the most important of them is Google Analytics.

Quick support

We are here to help you build a website or marketing campaign that are optimized and has great user experience (UX Design) and great user interface design (UI Design).

We work for the best

We not only work for the best, we make ordinary the best.

Google Ads, Social Media, Paid Search Portfolio

Why Customers Loves Us?

High Conversion Rate

We have been able to achieve conversion rate better than 25 percent while the industry standard is 3 or 4 percent.  We show results using Google Data Studio and we analyze everything using events and and Google analytics.

Long term effects

A well optimized campaign is lasting.  Rarely we change a campaign that produces high conversions.

Qualified workers

We keep abreast of latest Google algorithm updates. We create value for our clients through effective PR and other advertising platforms.

Staying Ahead

We believe learning is the key to be able to provide our clients the most advanced and effective platforms and continuous support.

Powerful tools

We spend lots of times to make sure our clients have access to the most advanced marketing and diagnostic tools.

Confidential agreement

Rest assured that each client’s strategy is confidential and will never be recreated or shared with another client.

Get Free Pricing

will be glad to do a preliminary analysis of your current website or even discuss design of a new website. All preliminary analysis are free.
Or call us at:

+1 424 200 2328